Monthly Archives: September 2013

Wristbands Have Arrived

The wristbands have arrived folks (all 500 of them) and they look FANTASTIC!!!! I also set up a separate bank account today for all the funds raised from selling these. Am hoping to start selling them next week when I am on university break. 100% of proceeds will go towards continual raised awareness of Dermatillomania both worldwide and throughout Australia. Any suggestions for what you would like the money put towards are most welcome… so far I am thinking of having posters made up that can be displayed in hospitals, doctor surgeries and psychology offices – and the long term goal will be following in TLC’s and CBSN’s footsteps by starting up a recognisable not for profit organisation here in Australia as we have absolutely nothing at present. Will let you all know when these go up for sale… let the countdown begin!

Also have been thinking of registering this blog as my own domain… so the web address would change. Hopefully this won’t affect anyone being able to access this site… will keep you updated on this as well!